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The Matador LbNA #8838

Plant date:Jun 24, 2004
County:Los Angeles
Planted by:Parrrot Head jmo Contact Inactive
Found by: PeterK
Last found:Feb 10, 2007
Last edited:Jun 24, 2004
11/22/06 Update: This box was found but it looks like the people in this building have done some rearranging so that has messed up my clues. Until I can fix this the box is found in row LB 1044.83 and on the same rack with books 1025.3.6516 - 1027.5.E43. A big thank you to Piper Paws for giving me this updated information!

***Note Added on 1/11/05: CSUN now requires a parking permit at all times; even on weekends. Please make sure you purchase a parking pass to avoid getting a ticket!

This box is located on the campus of Cal State Univeristy Northridge and was placed in honor of my graduation in Spring 2004!

To find your way to the letterbox you will need to get to CSUN which is located at 18111 Nordhoff Street in Northridge.

Once on Campus you will need to park. VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure that you purchase a daily parking pass for $4 if you are not a student or staff member with a permit. It is almost a certainty that you will get a parking ticket (which costs $35) if you do not. Parking is often difficult to find during the regular Fall and Spring semesters but easy during the summer or on the weekends; or if you come early or late. I prefer lot G4 off of Zelzah Avenue.

After you have the parking situation down find your way to the Oviatt Liabrary. This should not be hard to do as it pretty much marks the center of campus and is very large.

Once inside the library you will need to find the floor where the books on the THEORY AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATION are shelved. (HINT: It is the floor that was my very favorite to sleep on. The views were great, no too high, not too low!)

Once you find this section you need to find row LB 1025 H. When you have found this row you need to find the rack that the following two books are shelved on: Increase Your Learning Power by Coates and Super Smart Systems by Dr. E.F. Droge Jr.

After you have found these books, you will notice that the library does not shelve books on the very top shelf. Reach up into the back left corner of this top shelp and you will find the letterbox!

NOTE: This is a micro-box and is contained in a film canister. The stamp is very small and is clear and easily not noticed so please use caution that it does not fall out when you are opening it.

There are many desks and tables nearby that you can sit at to mark the Letterbox, please use discretion as I'm not sure how the library staff would react!

Since this is my first box and I just placed place it I would appreciate it if the first person to find it would email me and let me know (

Now since you are allready on campus make your way East over to the Botanical Gardens to find my other box!