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Jerry's Kid LbNA #9173

Plant date:Jul 11, 2004
Planted by:pupp Contact Inactive
Found by: Peas and Carrots
Last found:May 9, 2009
Last edited:Jul 11, 2004
Go to St Cloud Park. From the parking lot is a wooden stair case. How many Teletubbies are there? Take that number minus one and sit on that bench from the bottom. If teletubbies are for adults, use your right hand. If teletubbies are for kids, use your left hand. Reach down and pick up a rock. Box is under the rock and up against the wood.

Please note that if you are a fan of Jerry Falwell, you may not appreciate this box and may not want to take your time to find it.

Pupp's disclaimer: I have a bum knee. My boxes are usually for mobility impaired people like me or for those less mobile than I. Sometimes the trick to getting my boxes is not the hard clues or the long hike, but using discretion in getting the box. I also assume that you are an adult and can use common sense to keep yourself and your children safe.

Happy hunting and please toss me a bone, er email, to let me know when you find my boxes.
