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First aidSpell Check LbNA #9926 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 8, 2004
County:New Castle
Planted by:Carters in Bear Contact Inactive
Found by: Nairon
Last found:Feb 21, 2017
Last edited:Mar 27, 2017
Pulled on 3/25/2017. It was full of black mold. No time to replace right now, maybe over the summer.

Last Checked: 9/15/2007 It's alive and well.
Logbook #3 placed on 2/5/06
New ink pad 1/22/06
**New & Improved stamp design placed on 12/5/04
original stamp design placed 8/8/04

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Tmie: 60-80 muintes
Ptah: slgilhty hlily drit ptah, rugoh in sopts, bieks are alweold on the ptah but I wolund’t atptmet a srotlelr.

Eevn tohguh Cmabrigde Uinervtisy cnocduetd the sduty, I garduetad form the Uinervtisy of Dewaalre, so I wlil sratt you off at one of my foavtrie cgoelle hgnoatus, The Deer Prak Tearvn ltacoed at 108 Wset Mian Steert in Nerawk, Dewaalre.
Eagdr Alaln Poe vsiited the Deer Prak wehn he lecuterd at the Uinervtisy, souppdesly lfet a csrue on the pclae. Look for “the rvean” idnise wlhie eojnynig a fovratie beervage (tehy hvae Yenulnigg on tap!). Be srue to tuor btoh the upaistrs and dswonirats, tehy hvae an ienrttsieng clolceiton of amainls – kdis lvoe it.

Form the traven tkae N896 for 2.3 miels to Wthie Caly Cerek Satte Prak. The prak etrannce wlil be on yuor rhigt. Trun in and pcreeod to the panirkg aera. (panirkg fee is $3 for in-satte, $6 for out-of-satte)
Sratt at the irnofmitaon barod to tkae a look at the tairl map. You need to tkae the Msaon-Doxin Tairl. It is the yloelw tairl on the map mkraed with an MD in a bule sraque wtih red tirm.
If you do not hvae a pthoorapgihc meromy, do not wrroy. Just sratt at the NW crenor of the lot. Bgein at the gtae taht syas “no prainkg”. Flolow the ylelow tairl. (Ylelow saruqe wtih a wthie arorw, not to be cfunoesd wtih the bclak saruqe wtih ylelow arorw for csors-corunty).
Soon you wlil psas Caitatl Pnod on yuor rhigt, tehn the Lfie Csoure, tehn a lltite ftruher a bcenh wlil be on yuor lfet. A lltite wyas psat the bcenh the tairl wlil trun lfet. Shlrtoy it wlil trun rhigt. You wlil go trohguh the Daed Tere Fserot, tehn you wlil see a dpilaiedtad wthie hsoue on yuor lfet.
At the nxet jnicuton flolow the Msaon-Doixn tairl to the lfet. Go dwon the hlil, a snghpriuose wlil be on yuor rhigt. A lltite fthrrur dwon the ptah you cmoe to the Arc Cnroer Mounnemt, wchih mraks the crenor of Psnenyalvina and Dewaalre, wehre Dewaalre’s acrh bngeis. Cnntioue on the Msaon-Doxin tairl cossirng the woedon bdrige by the mounemnt. Wehn you recah a seocnd woedon brigde (wchih, by the way, is 13 peacs lnog), sotp, and bacacrtkk 33 pecas and the box is bnihed the fleled tere on yuor lfet (210 dregees) croveed by brak. Be srue to rihede wlel crovenig wtih mroe brak if nedeed.
To rtruen to yuor car you can rtecare yuor spets or cotiunne on the ylelow tairl, wchih is a 5-mlie loop.

Let me konw if you fnid the box & waht cotindion it is in by uisng ‘cocantt the pelacr’, tanhks!