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Dunes LbNA #2059 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 1, 2003
City:Ocean City
Found by: dewlovers
Last found:Oct 12, 2002
Last edited:May 1, 2003

*** Temporarily listed by MD Orphan. Please contact me if you are the owner of this letterbox. ***

Drive over the bridge and take left. Duitifully pay your $5.00 pass to get into the site and drive straight until you see a sign for the "Life of the Forest" trail. It's on the right. Watch out for ponies. The trail is a 1/2 mile loop on a boardwalk and it's a pleasent walk.

Take the right trail and make sure to veer left. Pass a crooked tree in high grass. Check out the view from the overlook - there are ponies out in the marshes. Take the right trail back to the parking lot and stop at the freshwater pond. When we were there a pony walked right up and past us (startling me somewhat!) and hung out there drinking for a while. Past the freshwater pond, around the bend, there is a sand pile to your right and an "island" of loblolly pines to your right. From the path, turn to your left and walk 18 paces clockwise around the "island" on the pine-covered "path" (um, don't do this within sight of the park rangers..). The box is covered with branches and debris at the bottom of a twin tree.

Good luck! Hopefully kind park rangers, ponies and storms won't displace it!

LOTRFanGirl, The Usual Suspects